AUGUST 22, 2018
Water wells are proudly used by over 40 million people in the United States. In order to keep a household running smoothly, water wells rely on consistent groundwater levels to produce water for years. But groundwater isn’t inconsistent by nature, as it is susceptible to drought and other weather conditions that suddenly and dramatically change the static water levels in your water well. This causes issues with water pressure and quality, and could even have you concerned that your well is running dry. In order to prevent this from happening, it is advised to have a water well professional check your well periodically.
Static water level is the water level in the well under normal conditions–it’s a measure of the “health” of the well, as in how much is left in the aquifer. If your well goes dry it’s because your static water level is below the pump. Knowing the static water level of your well can keep you and your family from overusing the well. Static water levels are expected to shift throughout the year as seasons change and overall precipitation fluctuates. After a long rainy period or snowmelt, the groundwater levels could raise your static water levels. During a drought, the static water levels are likely to go down. Static water levels can also change depending on how many homes are hooked up to the aquifer, or if the groundwater is being used up by industrial, agricultural or commercial facilities.
You can find information about groundwater levels in your region through the
U.S. Geological Survey, or through state water agencies that perform routine checks on local groundwater levels. For your personal water well, hiring a professional water well contractor to check your static levels will help you stay on track with water usage.
Understanding the static level of your water well is only half the equation for determining the health of your well. Not only do you need to know water levels at normal conditions, but you also need to know how how much water your well pumps into your house and at what rate. This is call the flow rate. The flow rate is an important tool water well professionals use to determine how much water can be pumped up for use in your family’s home.
There are a few factors that can affect flow rate, and they don’t all necessarily mean the static water level is low. Unsatisfactory flow rate could be due to clogged pipes or a poorly positioned pump. Flow rate uses the same scientific properties as you sipping water out of a cup with a straw. A bigger straw will allow you to pull up more water with less energy, causing the water level to go down. Depending on the rate that you are sucking up the water, the level could go down a lot. But, if your water glass is packed with ice, then the water might have to strain to get through the cracks and grooves between the ice cubes. The same goes with water in your well. The flow rate can be affected by a formation of boulders or a solidified clump of sand or clay. This causes stress on the pump, which changes the water pressure.
The average American individual uses 50 to 100 gallons of water per day, or around 200 for a household of four. Household appliances account for the majority of water usage. Washing machines use anywhere between 27-51 gallons of water per load, dishwashers use 5-14 gallons per load, and a standard shower uses 5 gallons of water per minute.
The best way to determine the flow rate of your water well is to test it. You can perform some quick calculations to determine the required flow rate for your household before calling a water well professional. Start with one room at a time and identify all the appliances and water fixtures in your home. Count every appliance or fixtures as 1 (So count each toilet, not just the category of toilets). The total number of appliances will roughly equal the average flow rate needed for the household.
Total: 11
Of course, this is only and average needed flow rate, so if you suspect your flow rate is low, it is best to hire a professional water well contractor to test your flow rate.
Concerned about your water pressure of flow rate? Call Double R today and we can come check things out for you.
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